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I've been having some wonderful conversations. Listen in!

The Weight

Oxford UMC

March 7, 2024

How do we--individually and collectively--deal with trauma? How do we frame it within the narrative of our own stories and of our communities’ stories? 

Leading Ideas Talks

Wesley Theological Seminary

January 23, 2024

How would you preach next Sunday if tomorrow your community fell victim to a mass shooting or was devastated by a natural disaster? Listen for strategies to approach this increasingly unavoidable homiletical task.

Conversations Matter

The Distillery

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

January 14, 2024

The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is a Christian network comprised of individuals and churches that work together to spread the hope of Christ. We talk together about ministering in the wake of mass trauma.

Princeton Theological Seminary

June 6, 2023

What can be said when a community is shaken to its core? How can a Sunday morning sermon help a fractured community? I join host Shari Oosting to consider traumatic events and the lingering effects of trauma.

Worship Matters

Discipleship Ministries, UMC

June 6, 2022

Dr. Derek Weber, Director of Preaching for the Worship Team, and I talk about what trauma is, what it does to individuals and communities, and how to preach both trauma-responsive and trauma-informed sermons.

Ministry Collaborative

Macedonian Ministry Foundation

June 2, 2021

I talk with Executive Director Mark Ramsey about the subjective nature of trauma, its disorienting capacity, and what it means to preach faithfully into the moment.

Trauma often takes away language. The preacher can help give individuals and the community words to express their grief and the impact of trauma. Giving permission, but also blessing their pain.

from the Worship Matters Podcast

Working Preacher

Working Preacher is a ministry of Luther Seminary dedicated to the craft of biblical preaching, working to provide timely, compelling and trustworthy content for sermon preparation. Below you can find two featured resources at Working Preacher and a link to my author page.

Images below by Aaron Burden, Josh Eckstein, and Karl Fredrickson.


Before Fractured Ground, I shared a lot of my thoughts about

the work of preaching in the blog posts you'll find here.

Right now, I'm focusing my writing on my upcoming book, Precarious Preaching.

Soon, I hope to generate more online content here.

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